CBD Products UK
We have selected our best quality products for both CBD beginners and experienced users to offer customers high-strength CBD products at an affordable bundled rate.

What Are CBD Packs?
The CBD Shopy Packs are a bundle pack of carefully selected products to give customers a chance to try new ways to use CBD at an affordable price. Some of these excellent products may not be your go-to for CBD use, but paired together it gives you the opportunity to try and sample other ways of using CBD.
Each pack is carefully crafted to meet the wellness needs of our customers, which is why we offer a starter pack for people new to CBD, as well as our Essential Pack for those who have more CBD experience.
How To Use Our Packs
If you are new to CBD and don't know what products to try we suggest you give our sample pack a go. This gives you the opportunity to try different products and find your favourite. If you are looking to change up your CBD routine, each box contains expertly selected products to help you have the best possible CBD experience.

How Our Packs Are Created
We have curated our pack to suit the various needs of our customers, each CBD pack containing top-quality CBD products. As CBD has become an increasingly popular wellness product, we wanted the packs to reflect the different ways our customers choose to use CBD. This means you will find a topical, an oil, and a cbd capsule or edible in each bundle. This selection is designed so customers can experience how versatile CBD is and find which product type works for them and their lives.
If you are unsure what CBD pack would suit you best, just pop us a message and we can give you some advice.