The CBD Titans Series: A few questions with Prof. Michael Barnes

In a new series of articles, the CBD Shopy team will be interviewing titans of the UK CBD industry from doctors to researchers & CEOs with the goal of enlightening our reader's with credible insights into this fast-growing sector.
In today's article, we interview Prof. Michael Barnes a consultant neurologist and medical cannabis expert who recently published his new book "The Beginner's guide to Medical Cannabis".
A few questions with Prof. Michael Barnes
How did you get into Medical Cannabis?
I became interested about 20 ago years when patients were coming to my MS clinic and saying they were using illegal cannabis and it was making their pain and spasm better. About 50% of the patients were using it. I then was involved in the Sativex development programme with GW Pharma. Sativex was the first licensed cannabis medicine. My interest grew from there.
Do you or have you used CBD yourself?
No - Fortunately I am well with no need to use it.
What inspired your latest book?
I felt the public needed a very simple guide to cannabis and its medicinal benefits. Nothing complex but straightforward and honest and easy to read. Hopefully, the book has succeeded in that aim.
Why can’t companies talk about CBD health benefits?
Because the over-the-counter products are deemed food supplements and are not registered as medicines. If they are not official medicines then the producer can make no medical claims. It doesn't mean the CBD does not have medicinal value it just means that the producers cannot say so.
Why do some people feel no effects when using CBD Oil?
No medicine is guaranteed to be successful. Some (about 10-20%) just don't respond well or at all.
What strength oil should I pick?
It is always best to "start low and go slow" In mgs I usually say start at about 20mgs daily CBD and build up at about 10mgs per week to a usual dose of between 60-100mgs daily. If the person can work in mgs it is better than % as I find that confuses people. Basically start with a low strength oil and work up if needed
How long should I take CBD oil before I feel its effects?
Varies greatly. Most people will notice an effect within a few days. However, for some (especially children using CBD for epilepsy) the effect can be up to 6 weeks or so.
Where do you hope to see the CBD and or Medical Cannabis Industry in the UK in 10-years?
I hope it will have expanded and will not only be an accepted and widely available medicine and wellness product but its medicinal properties will have been more recognised and producers can tell the public what it is good for!
Lastly, what is the one thing you want people to know about CBD?
It is a very safe product. No medicine or wellness product is entirely without side effects but CBD really is very safe.
We hope you enjoyed this short but insightful Q&A with Prof. Michael Barnes.