5 CBD Oil Myths Debunked

CBD, or cannabidiol is one of the compounds that are found in the cannabis plant. It is taking the world of health and well-being by storm as researchers are increasingly seeing it's potential to support the human endocannabinoid system.
As the number of CBD users over the world has soared, more and more people are thinking about using it. There is, however, a lot of haze and confusion around CBD, and it is important that some of the common CBD myths that we hear bandied around are put to bed, or at least clarified, especially for those who might benefit from it,
So, if there are a few things which you are (understandably) unsure of, here are five of the most common CBD myths around:
1. CBD is not psychoactive
Cannabis plants consist of over 100 cannabinoids and the two most populars ones are CBD (Cannabidiol) & THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).
THC is the compound is Cannabis responsible for the "high" users feel when smoking marijuana. CBD Products in the UK can safely and legally contain up to a maximum of 0.2% THC which is not enough to get you "high".
2. Cannabis, Marijuana and Hemp are the same things
Years of prohibition has meant that there is a lot of confusion around the different terms used to describe cannabis in its various forms. Did you know that cannabis and marijuana aren't the same thing, for example?
The term cannabis refers to the family of plants which marijuana and hemp come from. So, Marijuana and hemp are two different varieties of cannabis.
Marijuana is a strain of cannabis which usually has high levels of THC and often CBD as well. Hemp, on the other hand must have very low levels of THC (by law) and is often bred and cultivated to have higher levels of CBD as well as having a wealth of other uses.
In order for CBD products to be legal across the world, a lot (although not all) of them are made from industrial hemp, meaning that there is no chance of you getting high.
3. Pure CBD is more effective
For many things in life, a pure version of something is usually the most effective. When it comes to CBD, however, it's not quite so simple. Pure CD oil – or CBD isolate is useful for some people, but for most, the CBD is most effective when it is taken in conjunction with other compounds that are found in the cannabis plant.
This is called the 'entourage effect' and can best be described as when you have an orchestra full of good players. One player on their own is good, but when they join together (or in an 'entourage') the sound is spectacular. You will get this through full-spectrum CBD oil where all of the compounds are included, or broad-spectrum CBD oil where most are.
4. CBD Oil is the same as Hemp Oil
You will probably have seen hemp oil and hemp seed oil in the supermarket. Although these and CBD oil are made from the same plant, they are not the same. Hemp oil and hemp seed oil is only made from the seeds of the hemp plant, and, although it is very good for you and full of anti-oxidants, there is absolutely no CBD present in it.
If you want to take CBD, you will need to get CBD specific products which are made from other parts of the cannabis plant.
5. All CBD is the same
All CBD is the same. But the way that you get it can vary massively. You can get CBD oil in a range of strengths and with a range of other compounds included in it. This means that the effectiveness and dosage of CBD can change according to what you have taken.
There are also, unfortunately many untrustworthy people selling CBD products – especially online, who sell products with little or no CBD in them, or inconsistent quantities.
When you are looking to buy CBD oil products online, look for reviews and recommendations, and importantly, check whether they are lab test their products. This means that you will get a complete breakdown of all of the compounds which are included in the product and at what quantities.
The myths that surround CBD are mainly there due to it's somewhat murky past. However, by getting a better understanding about the world of CBD, where it comes from, how it works and how it affects you, more people will be able to enjoy the health benefits that CBD can give them in the future.